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Frequently asked questions
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to us at
What is Devsnest?
Who are the mentors?
How do I apply for this mentorship?
What is the duration of the mentorship?
What is the fees for this mentorship?
What are the prerequisites to join this mentorship?
Will I get a certificate after the compilation of course?
What is the effort required from a student?
How is the learning environment at Devsnest?
Does the mentorship involve interview preparation as well?
Does Devsnest guarantee me a job?
Does any school, college or cohort matter to be a part of this mentorship?
Does college CGPA play any role in the Program?
I am not currently looking for a job, is the mentorship for me?
The class hours don’t work for me, what do i do?
I work full time but I would like to join the mentorship, what are the options?
What happens after the mentorship is over?
Whom to contact in case of any doubt related to the mentorship?